What gun are you

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If you ever get reincarnated into a gun well i guess this is what you would be(LOL IDK)............. Dot. Dot. Dot. Yea so this is what gun you would be.

Are you a gun of course not i am just following the format that it gives me for this paragraph dot. dot. dot..l..........................Lets find out wht gun you are.

Created by: Matty & brad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a bullet guzzler?
  2. Do you like men
  3. Would you rather shoot someone close range or far range.
  4. Are you patriotic???
  5. What branch of Military do you wish to be in.
  6. What is or do you Want to have as you career?
  7. Are you strong
  8. Have you ever shot a gun
  9. Do you want to kill anyone (in peticular)
  10. Last question... Are you worried

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Quiz topic: What gun am I