What Guitar Are You?

Guitars are like hair cuts. you have to get one but don't know what to get. Well maybe this can help you a bit.. Be honest and make sure you mean everything you say

This is for guitarist only, Blah blah blah........................................................................ have fun, if it's wrong don't blame me, rethink yourself.

Created by: Ron

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite guitarist?
  2. Whos your favorite band?
  3. What picks do you use?
  4. How should string feel?
  5. whats your dream Guitar?
  6. What is your dream amp?
  7. Harshell or soft case?
  8. Do looks matter on a guitar?
  9. Do you use pedal?
  10. 1 guitarist or 2 guitarist band?

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Quiz topic: What Guitar am I?