What ground unit are you?

What do you do as a ground unit in the military? How do you attack? Here is a quiz to take on and just enjoy. Now go out there and just do this here quiz.

Go on, do it. No? Well just go and try to enjoy cause be happy and live life, okay? Well get on with this and just, PLEASE, just go on and be really happy. Now do this quiz.NOW!!!

Created by: HelloItsHfdhbe
  1. Do you like to attack from afar?
  2. Do you like explosions?
  3. You see a lone allied soldier being attacked. What do you do?
  4. You are almost out of shells/ammo. The enemy is attacking. What is your next move?
  5. Your enemy outnumbers you 10 to 1. What do you do now?
  6. Final question(this has no effect)
  7. JK!(no effect)
  8. Alright no more jokes. What do you do when the enemy blows part your camp up?
  9. End time now. Happy?(no effect)
  10. Nope. Now this ends.(no effect)

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Quiz topic: What ground unit am I?
