What gravity falls character are you.

This is a 12 question quiz to see witch character you are in gravity falls. But remember it's just for fun, so if you get a girl and you're a boy, or the other way around don't go crazy.

If you don't know what gravity falls is then only play it for fun or if you're bored, okay. I hope you will enjoy the quiz and don't forget to like it.

Created by: Fisheye
  1. Who's the best out of the following
  2. Have you ever comitted a crime?
  3. Do you like...
  4. Do you like solving mysteries?
  5. Are you an artist?
  6. Do you comitt crimes?
  7. Do you like to be dirty?
  8. Do you question stuff?
  9. Do you spit in buckets?
  10. Are you a good handy man?
  11. Was this fun?
  12. Who do you think you got

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Quiz topic: What gravity falls character am I.
