What grades do you get?

People get many different grades- from A to F, from good to bad. Are you a perfectionist that always gets good grades, or are you a bad slacker?? Find out!!

So yeah, you're going to find out if you get (or should get) good grades or bad grades. meh anyone got any good jokes? write them in the comments (and please no chain comments)

Created by: Makayla
  1. So hai and welcome to the quiz ;) Hope you like it!!!
  2. So imagine this.... it's super late and you just realized you have a test first period tomorrow. what do you do?
  3. Ok... it's now first period and the test is in front of you. what are you thinking as you look over it?
  4. as you leave school, a bunch of friends invite you to a party, but you have a L O T of homework. what do you say to them?
  5. Favorite season?
  6. oh no, report card are coming home :O what are you feeling as the teacher hands them out?
  7. it's saturday morning, where can you be seen?
  8. fave book?
  9. you have homework due april 3rd, assigned march 15. when do you turn the work in??
  10. thanks for taking my quiz!! rate and comment (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What grades do I get?