What grade are you in? (Elementary to high schoolers only)

Hey guys! Take this quiz to find out which grade you're in!!! These results may not be fully accurate, but it's fine. Anyways, good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey there, why take a quiz when you don't even share it?! Share this quiz for a cookie, I guess. (I'm not trying to force anybody, but as I said, why take a quiz when you don't even share the quiz?!)

Created by: FoxLover10
  1. What's your favorite drink?
  2. Do you get letter grades (F, D, C, B A) or M, E, S, P, D, etc grades?
  3. How often do you post on TikTok?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Have you ever taken any tests for college yet?
  6. Which grade category are you in? (doesn't count in your score)
  7. Which of these three music genres do you listen to the most?
  8. Which song was popular when you were born?
  9. Which grade are you actually in? (doesn't count for score)
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? (Doesn't count in your score)

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Quiz topic: What grade am I in? (Elementary to high schoolers only)
