What Grace Era are YOU? (improtant)

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There are many graces in the land. However, mirror mirror in my hand, who is the grace gravest grace in the land? Is it you. Is it me. Well you, can take, my quiz to find out.

There are many graces that you can be. But only one of them will want to be you. Good luck on the quiz because it is very importint to take this quiz. Good by?

Created by: Grace. duh!
  1. I hoe that you’re doing swell. First off, what is your favorite fruit to eat. 🍓🍉🍌🍎🍋 oh I meant ?”
  2. Okay, pick a show. Or a movie. This is importint.
  3. Pick a somg.
  4. You knew this was coming. Pick a boy.
  5. Pick your favorite month. Of the year.
  6. I’m sure you knew this was also comings . Pick a Taylor swift quote that matches your emo-ness..
  7. Pick a random boy name for your new born baby
  8. Pick a diva 👩‍🎤
  9. Pick an emoji that resemble you wrost enemy 😡
  10. Lastly, pick an emoji that resembles your best firend

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Quiz topic: What Grace Era am I? (improtant)
