What Godzilla is your soul mate?

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Have you ever wondered what giant monster you truly love? The one to spend the rest of your life with? You're real hero? Then I suggest taking this quiz...

Are YOU a true Godzilla fan? Think you know who your monster soul mate is? I believe you don't, for this quiz has other suggestions. Take the quiz, and see who you truly like.

Created by: Godzilla27

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you were trapped on Monster Island, what would you do?
  2. Godzilla and Rodan are fighting over you. What do you do?
  3. Anguirus licked you. What is your reaction?
  4. What is your favorite character?
  5. Who is your least favorite?
  6. In what way would you express your love for a giant monster?
  7. You fall sick, what do you want your soul mate monster to do?
  8. Godzilla is trying to kill you! What to do?
  9. Gigan tries to attack you. Who do you call for?
  10. King Ghidorah is hurt. What do you do?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz? (Doesn't effect)
  12. What sounds better?

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Quiz topic: What Godzilla is my soul mate?