What Glue Are You?

Ever wondered what type of glue you are? Well this quiz can help you find out! It features the hard hitting questions that have been tested to give you accurate results.

Although it is a small quiz I hope to be able to let this great great quiz flourish and become a worldwide quiz known by all kinds of people. But a man can only dream!

Created by: Bruh of Sausuge
(your link here more info)
  1. You are climbing a mountain and find a mysterious hole you accidentally fall in and land on a group of yellow flowers, then a living flower confronts you what do you do?
  2. You are at 5 am but only have 5% power and Freddy and Bonnie are at your doors. What do you do?
  3. You have been mining for hours until finally you have found diamonds, but as you mine them you hear a faint hissing growing closer. What do you do?
  4. You are first place in Garfield Kart but an icon shows that a homing pie is coming close behind. What do you do?
  5. You are playing Fortinite and almost have your hands on an epic victory royale but the storm is to your back. What do you do?
  6. you are watching the last guest and see Matt get shot. What is your reaction?
  7. What is your favorite flavor of hand sanitizer?
  8. What is your favorite Garfield Character?
  9. How much do you love Sal Vulcano?
  10. Who is the largest minority?

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Quiz topic: What Glue am I?

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