What gets you through life?

Ever wondered what you live for? Feel like you just go through life feeling blah or do you really love life and just want to live forever in the bliss and happiness you feel??

This quiz will take your answers and input them into an answer that can tell you what you live life for and what gets you through life- or if youre just taking this quiz then have fun!

Created by: Abigail
  1. When you wake up in the morning what is your first thought or feeling?
  2. Do you look forward to working each day?
  3. Do you like arts?
  4. Do you have a gf/bf?
  5. Do you like movies or shows?
  6. If you had magic, what would be the first thing you would do with it?
  7. What does your dream day look like?
  8. Are you religious?
  9. If you answered yes, do you love your religion or is it forced onto you? (If you didnt answer yes, select N/A)
  10. Do you like performing?
  11. What do you want people to know you as?
  12. What would you call yourself?
  13. Are you male or female?
  14. Above or below 18?
  15. Do you want to get married?
  16. Books or movies?
  17. Dusk or dawn
  18. Sun or moon
  19. Beach or forest
  20. Friends or family
  21. Do you like emotions?

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