What Gender Am I?

Do u ever wonder what your gender is because you’re feeling insecure with what you’re referred to now or for some other reason? Take this quiz! It may and I hope it helps you feel better!

Take this quiz and see what your gender is! Unhappy with ur results? Take it again! And check out my other quiz I forget what it’s called but still! I’m Lunana!

Created by: Lunana
  1. What’s Your Fashion Style!
  2. How many sets of pronouns do you have!
  3. What gender do you feel like!
  4. Say you’re a gurl and someone accidentally calls you he/him or you’re a boy and someone accidentally calls you she/her. How do you feel?
  5. Fav color?
  6. How do ppl refer to u!
  7. The school dance is tomorrow! What do u where!
  8. Do u support LGBTQIA+? (No effect)
  9. What kind of toys do/did you play with?
  10. Last question

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