What gem are you

This quiz is about gems, and some that are completely different questions that don't have anything to do with gems, and those different questions are actually based on color.

The questions in this quiz are just random ones that I came up with. I had to ask someone about what I should do for the questions. If you are unsure about question 9 the answer is (rubies)

Created by: Ivy
  1. What's Your favorite color
  2. What flower do you like most
  3. What color is the first to come to mind
  4. What's your favorite fruit or veggie
  5. What's your favorite element
  6. What series of books are you familiar with
  7. What's your favorite soda
  8. What's your favorite type of tree
  9. What gem can be both blue and red
  10. What gem do you want to be

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Quiz topic: What gem am I
