What gang are you a part of in Hell Bound?

Hell Bound is a story that I have made, and one day I thought, why don't I make a quiz about it? So I did. By the way, this is my first quiz, and I kind forgot some of the results meanings, but I tried to remember most.

This quiz will show you what famous gang from Hell Bound you would be in. Answer honestly, and some of the results might not fit exactly who you are, but that's because it is around your personality with the gang.

Created by: enderkitty01
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend is getting into an argument that is getting heated really fast. What do you do?
  2. Your friend came to you, telling you that she had just got mugged. What do you do?
  3. Someone owes you money, and are past their due date. What do you do?
  4. In one word, describe yourself.
  5. I know I know, the dreaded color question. Sigh, what's your favorite color?
  6. Favorite animal?
  7. What's your favorite gang from the books?
  8. You were captured by a gang, what's your reaction?
  9. Are you a leader or follower?
  10. Do you trust yourself with a gun or knife?
  11. Do you like violence?
  12. This is my first quiz, so I hope you enjoyed! Anyway, if the results seem weird, you have to remember it is in the pov of you being in a gang. It might not be spot on.

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Quiz topic: What gang am I a part of in Hell Bound?