What gamer are you?

There are many types of gamers in this world. Demolisher, perfectionist, winner, et cetera. But what one are you?

In this quiz, you will answer 12 questions to help you better understand your gaming personality. So what are you waiting for? Start this quiz now!!

Created by: sithlordmaul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your best score at any game?
  2. How long do you usually play for a day?
  3. When do you usually play?
  4. What is your favorite game?
  5. What type of gamer do you think of yourself as?
  6. Are you obsessed with video games?
  7. How much money do you spend on games A WEEK. (Counting in-app purchases.)
  8. Do you usually play alone or with others?
  9. You see a herd of orcs. What do you do?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What gamer am I?