What Gallgher girl are you?

Do you really know if your Bex,Liz or Cammie? Take this quiz and find out. Its made by the person who calls herself 55. So man buckle up cause I is time to show what ya got.

Are you cunning, sneaky, sly or even dangerous take this quiz to find out what you are. So far i have 102 words but now I will get you really fired up!

Created by: alexis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy breaking rules?
  2. What would your spy nickname be?
  3. Who would you date from the books?
  4. What side will you be on?
  5. Would you like the headmistress to be your Mom?
  6. Would you date a boy that doesn't know the secret about you?
  7. Would you date a boy that knows the secret about you?
  8. Would you take cove ops or Another class?
  9. What would you do if someone took the Gallgher alumi disc?
  10. What would you do if you flip a cute boy over and his head rests between your knees?

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Quiz topic: What Gallgher girl am I?