What Gallagher Girl Are You ?

There are very few true Gallagher Girls. But could you be one of them. That status is very difficult to achieve ... But who knows you could be just like some of the most famous and new ones.

Are YOU a true Gallagher girl ? If so , which of the famous ones are you most like ? Cammie , Bex , Liz and Macey are all open ... Which one is your long lost twin ?

Created by: Sheridan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you shop?
  2. What do you look for in a Guy ?
  3. How do you Feel about your parents ?
  4. How would you feel if your parents sent you to boarding school ?
  5. Fave Food ?
  6. How much time do you spend Texting ?
  7. What does your normal Friday night look like ?
  8. What is your must have accessory ?
  9. What do you plan on being when you grow up ? (I know its obvious for the Gallagher girls but this is just to match personality)
  10. What is your summer vacation like ?

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Quiz topic: What Gallagher Girl am I ?