What FutureChild (my game) character are you?

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This quiz tests you on who are you in my game here. Though you'll see that this quiz is pretty boring in the end I promise that you'll get terrific determined characters! let's get to it!

The characters here are Night!reaper, Narsica, Samuel, Marsaca, Laurel, James and Frill. We're gonna see who gets who and we'll find out here in this quiz!

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  1. What do you like better?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. Are you gullible?
  4. How much do you think your LV is in real life?
  5. What do you think about your life?
  6. Do you like horror movies?
  7. Are you hoping to get Night!reaper?
  8. What do you like about this quiz?
  9. Do you want to leave this quiz!
  10. Bye guys! hope you had fun!

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Quiz topic: What FutureChild (my game) character am I?
