What Futurama Character Are You?

You Are Going To Be Into The Futurama Show. Many Have Tried, But There Using YOU! Guess Who You Will Be! Find Out On This Futurama Quiz! Where People Guess Themselves!

You Are Going To Be Into The Futurama Show. Many Have Tried, But There Using YOU! Guess Who You Will Be! Find Out On This Futurama Quiz! Where People Guess Themselves! SO, HAVE FUN!

Created by: james

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You Are Trapped On An Alien Planet With Alien Beings. What Will You Do?
  2. What Is Your Favorite Hobby?
  3. What Was Your Original Job?
  4. Why Are You Here?
  5. Whats Your Favorite Food?
  6. What Was Most Exciting To You?
  7. What is your favorite drink?
  8. Which Was The Gender You WANTED to be?
  9. Who's Relatives Are YOUR Relatives?
  10. Who Are You In Love With?

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Quiz topic: What Futurama Character am I?