What Fullmetal Alchemist Charanter are you?

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This is something my friend wanted me to do XD so have fun good luck blah blah blah if you do good you get free 5,000 dollars :3 lol its all about you guys!!

Are you Ed? Are you Al? Are you winry? Are you Scar? Are you Roy? Are you Hawkeye? Find out now just my taking this small small quiz Ed: WHO ARE YOU CALLING SMALL!! Me: ed I was not talking to you :whispers: I wish you would snap out of people calling you short ed: I heard that!! Me: Drink some milk dude! Ed: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Add
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had anyone to protect who would it be?
  2. If you had a job to do what would you do first?
  3. what kind of person are you?
  4. whats ur fave color?
  5. whats your lucky number(s)?
  6. who is your fave boy char?
  7. Do you think Wrath (Homunculi) is cool?
  8. Why did you come here?
  9. Why do people call Ed Short? (Ed you are pretty dang tall!!)
  10. whats your fave game?

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Quiz topic: What Fullmetal Alchemist Charanter am I?