What fullback are you

Do you want to know what fullback you really are? We’ll take this quiz and you will know!Credits:Creator: Harley WellsThank you for taking this quiz

There are five possibilities and five questions with heaps of fun. Hamisow Tabui Fido, James Tedesco, Ryan Papenhuzen, Jureme Bula, and Latrell Mitchel.

Created by: Harley
  1. How fast are you?
  2. What position do YOU play
  3. Skin Colour
  4. Favourite Player
  5. Are you a playmaker or a tryscorer?
  6. Are you good at stepping?
  7. How long have you been playing for
  8. Are you ready?
  9. Are you sure
  10. You ready? Get your result by clicking the Harley button

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Quiz topic: What fullback am I
