What fruit matches your personality?

Hello! This is my ‘what fruit matches your personality quiz?’ I thought it be fun to make. This is my first quiz so sorry it’s a little simple but it was good for practice.

Reminder to not take this to seriously, this is just a fun little quiz idea. I hope to make more fun quizzes in the future, I’ll try a lot harder next time.

Created by: Cardboardcatastrophe
  1. Let’s start simple. What is your favourite colour, but plot twist, none of the colours of the fruits are here : 0.
  2. Oki doki now for a more interesting question. What is your favourite hobby? (Sorry if I didn’t add urs )
  3. Good job! :) next question. from these options, what is the most important to you?
  4. We’re almost there! Now, what are you scared of the most?
  5. Oki doki final question! What’s your favourite music genre?
  6. Hope you enjoyed the quiz! It’s my first one so sorry that it’s so simple (answer has no effect)
  7. K so I need to have 10 questions so this is just filler
  8. Yeah…
  9. *sigh*
  10. Finally

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Quiz topic: What fruit matches my personality?
