What fruit are u?

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do u like fruit? no? then stop looking at meh quiz stalker!!!!! but if u do them this quiz if for you. this quiz helps you determine what fruit you are.. so have fun!!

want to know what fruit you are? if not... THEN STOP LOOKING AT MY QUIZ! this quiz helps you find out what type of fruit and fruit personality you are so knock yourself out :D

Created by: lexie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever slipped on a banana peel? if not tried?
  2. have you ever swallowed an apple core? come on dont be shy...
  3. am i borng u with tis fruit talk
  4. rate and commit.. or else *laughs evily*
  5. do u like rainbows?
  6. ok last question
  7. hahaha u should have seen ur face!! just kiddin
  8. what do u like to eat in ur spare time?
  9. do u like to talk or read about fruit?
  10. what do u hope u scored?

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