what fragrance are you

Hey there, this is a fragrance quiz for you to take. It's for people who want to know what fragrance they would be!

This quiz is just for fun! Will you get a good fragrance? Answer these questions and find out!!

Created by: Rylee Bawss
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color is your eyes?
  2. what is ur fav fragranceeee @,@ *this does not effect the ending thing lol*
  3. what is your favorite book?
  4. what is your favorite company
  5. who are you hmm hmm? (lel)
  6. what character r u $,$
  7. what sport do you play
  8. what is your birthday month
  9. do u like this quiz
  10. srry just gonna do random letters so pick random

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Quiz topic: What fragrance am I