What foxy are you?

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find out what foxy you are! take this quiz to find out!its really bad cuz its my first quiz- hope you like it!foxy cant wait to see you (idk help---) 0

Foxy the Pirate, also known as Foxy, is one of the four original animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and a major antagonist in the Five Nights at Freddy's series.

Created by: cloud
  1. What is your fav fnaf game?
  2. What those mach you the most?
  3. Fnaf 1 or 2?
  4. What is your fav color?
  5. How would you attack?
  6. where would you hang out?
  7. what is your pronouns
  8. how would you describe your self?
  9. would you have a hook or not?
  10. old or new?

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