What Football Position Is Best For You?

You want to play football, you can catch and throw, you can do a bunch of football basic, but your so good at all of them, you don't know what position to play, take this quiz, and you will find out!

Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football

Created by: Cameron Macri

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Tall Are You?
  2. What Is Your Weight?
  3. Are You Scared To Be Hit By A Defender?
  4. If A Defender Is Coming At You Head On, What Would You Do?
  5. How Good Can You Catch?
  6. How Accurate Can You Throw?
  7. How Far Can You Throw?
  8. How Fast Can You Run a 40 Yard Dash?
  9. Are You Fast?
  10. Who Is Your Favorite NFL Team? Sorry If Your Team Isn't In There? My team Is The Patriots

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