What foodie are you?



Created by: jpop7889

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like a watery sensation in your mouth?
  2. Do you like the crunchy feel in your mouth?
  3. Do you like to eat healthy?
  4. Do you D you run races or workout and keep a special diet?
  5. Do you like sweet tastes, like cherries, bitter tastes, like coffee or sour things, like lemonade?
  6. Are you a jokester?
  7. Do ou find fruits and veggies disgusting?
  8. Do you like do you like some sort of fruit on your pancakes? (like strawberries or blueberries)
  9. Do you want to be some sort of Nutritionist or nurse?
  10. Wold you reccomend this quiz to a friend?

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Quiz topic: What foodie am I?