What food are you

There are maaaaany foods in the world. Have you ever wondered what food your personality matched? Take this quiz to find out! It is 100 percent true! :D

Food is delicious. Find out what food you are! It is an amazing quiz that is totally accurate! We promise you that you will be extremely satisfied!!!!

Created by: Jelly
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Out of the following, which is your favorite food?
  3. Out of the following, which is your favorite food?
  4. What's you're favorite color
  5. Are you:
  6. What pet would you rather have?
  7. What is your favorite smell?
  8. What's your favorite soda?
  9. What's your favorite animal out of the following?
  10. Where would you rather live?

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Quiz topic: What food am I