What FNaF Character Are You?

Hi. I was really bored and I have nothing to do. The website is making write this. I'm hungry!!!!!!! I just wanna take a shower. Looks like this is almost done.

And they are making me write more. Hi. I have 2 cats and a dog. I am really lazy. I dunno what to write here. Check out mah youtube channel: • Purple Cat Gacha •

Created by: I am not telling you
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal? (Out of these)
  3. What is your favorite FNaF game?
  4. Food?
  5. Who is your favorite Afton?
  6. Do/did you like school?
  7. Is motivation your friend?
  8. Your at the movies, what genre do you pick?
  9. Your bored, what do you do?
  10. This is the last question

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Quiz topic: What FNaF Character am I?
