What Flower Are You

This test tells you what flower you would be. This is a very short test, and i hope you find it fun! There are no right or wrong answers, just pick truthfully.

The test will only take 2 minutes and is great for all ages. I personally am a water lily! So go ahead, take the test, and please remember to rate it!

Created by: amelia
  1. If you could have only one of the choices below, what would you pick?
  2. what scares you?
  3. pick one
  4. which would you open
  5. how old are you?
  6. what tv shows do you watch?
  7. what do you read?
  8. are you a female or male?
  9. would you rather....
  10. are you ready to find your flower?

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Quiz topic: What Flower am I
