What flavoured bathroom tile are you?

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Created by: rebecca
  1. When your in the bathroom, do you look at and admire the bathroom tiles?
  2. If you could date any bathroom tile, what would it be?
  3. How often do you kiss your bathroom tiles?
  4. A bathroom tile has just saved your life, how do you thank it?
  5. You found out your friend is having a affair behind their bathrooms tiles back with kangaroo. What do you do?
  6. You come into the bathroom and see that your favourite bathroom tile is stabbing someone to death, then it hits you that your favourite bathroom tile is psychotic serial killer. What do you do?
  7. Which do you like better bathroom tiles or dogs?
  8. How many bathroom tiles do you have?
  9. What's your favourite bathroom tile book?
  10. I can't be bothered to think of another question.

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Quiz topic: What flavoured bathroom tile am I?