What five nights at freddys 2 character are you?

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Welcome! Do you want to know what five nights at freddys 2 character you are. Well take this quiz and see what scary, cute , creepy , chaotic or even monsterous anamatronic you are...

Every five nights at freddys 2 anamatronics character is different. They all have their own personality and style. They are they all the same in one way also... They are demonic monsters.........

Created by: Kyle
  1. What is your personality?
  2. What color is your hair
  3. What kind of face do you have?
  4. What do you like to do in your free time?
  5. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  6. What's your favorite food?
  7. How do you move?
  8. Are you happy or sad?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. How do you feel?

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Quiz topic: What five nights at freddys 2 character am I?