What FINAL DESTINATION death will you die? | Comments

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  • Your FACE is cut in half by Plane Wreckage

    Ouuch! But luckily it's a quick death! Your freind Carter went a little crazy and stopped the car on the railway tracks... Unfortunately the door jams and you just escape with your life when the train comes. UIn the middle of your spazz a peica of wreckage is caught by the train, flung upwards adn cuts your face in half!

    ..i've only seen number three- so i don't know that one. i was hoping for an Ian type thing, but whatever. good quiz!

  • Your Result: You are killed by a fan....... 50%

    You are waiting in line at a drive through when you notice an old couple honking at you. You turn around and flip them off only to find a runaway truck smash into the old couple's car! Luckily they manage to jump aside in time but their motor is spat out the front of their car. The fan cuts into the back of your neck and splatter your brains... Messy!

    42% You are crushed by a giant pane of glass!

    42% You are frazzled to death inside a Tanning Booth!!

    26% An airbag kills you!
    22% You are decapitated by elevators...

    22% Your FACE is cut in half by Plane Wreckage

    22% Short but sweet... You are ripped apart...

    I would never do that to a couple! Or anyone for that matter! But, yay a fan XD

  • Your Result: You are killed by a fan....... 76%

    You are waiting in line at a drive through when you notice an old couple honking at you. You turn around and flip them off only to find a runaway truck smash into the old couple's car! Luckily they manage to jump aside in time but their motor is spat out the front of their car. The fan cuts into the back of your neck and splatter your brains... Messy!

    64% You are frazzled to death inside a Tanning Booth!!

    34% You are decapitated by elevators...

    22% Your FACE is cut in half by Plane Wreckage

    22% You are crushed by a giant pane of glass!

    22% Short but sweet... You are ripped apart...

    4% An airbag kills you!

  • What FINAL DESTINATION death will you die?
    Your Result: An airbag kills you! 74%

    Your tire pops and they almost hit a van. The car goes crazy, and crashes. A log goes through the side, pinning you to your seat, and a sharp board through the back of your headrest. She almost hits it. A camera crew arrives, only to hit a rock, breaking their gas tank, causing it to leak. Firemen are using a chainsaw to cut off your door. You asks the firemen not to do it so loud, the fireman tells you "o.k., i'll just put it on quiet mode." You say "that would be great. The chainsaw forces the airbag to come out, pinning your head against the sharp board, killing you.

    Lucy Rascal
  • What FINAL DESTINATION death will you die?

    Your Result: Your FACE is cut in half by Plane Wreckage


    Ouuch! But luckily it's a quick death! Your freind Carter went a little crazy and stopped the car on the railway tracks... Unfortunately the door jams and you just escape with your life when the train comes. UIn the middle of your spazz a peica of wreckage is caught by the train, flung upwards adn cuts your face in half!

    44% You are decapitated by elevators...
    42% You are crushed by a giant pane of glass!
    26% You are killed by a fan.......
    26% An airbag kills you!

    22% You are frazzled to death inside a Tanning Booth!!

    0% Short but sweet... You are ripped apart...

    • The Crazy Part is If These Hooks Are Made of Metal Then The First Thing A Sane Person Would Do Is Find Something That Can't Be Touched By Metal Because Uhm Duhhhhh.

      Dustin Lee
  • You Know In Life Sometimes We Make Some Mistakes, Its What We Do After That point That Defines Who We Are Ment To Be Change Is Necessary For Everyone Not Just Some People In The World (:

    Dustin Lee
  • Giant pane of glass,a bit of a morbid story but a fast death. I appreciate how u add a story plot to it cool quiz mate.

  • Oof, my face got cut in half by the plane wreckage.

    At least it would be quick?

    Mused Jade

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