What female youtuber represtents you?

I love youtube and i constantly find soon may relatable people! but i wanna find that one person who suits me!!!!!!! Like a girl girl, or a glam girl or even an me girl!

don't you wanna find out what youtube girl you are! and possibly get some suggestions on who you should check out! (check out all these girls!!!!!!) who's with me!?

Created by: sewanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. IM SORRY! whats ur fave color? don't kill me!
  2. What is you dream pet?
  3. Who is your bestie youtubers?
  4. Do you want to get married?
  5. Anime or naw?
  6. Any fave movies?
  7. Pick one store....
  8. What do you hate?
  9. Do you wants kids?
  10. Fave ten of clothing

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