What feeling are you?

This might not be 100% accurate,but it is very funny and is made with hard work and all hard work shall be though of as a very important process.

We are all different.We come in all sorts of shapes,sizes,colors,and types.Some people judge these different qualities in the wrong way,but we can see how different people really are.

Created by: John J. Bianchino III

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you get calls and pick up your phone?
  2. How often do you get on a chair and rest?
  3. What age group do you feel the most comfortable with?
  4. How much do you invite teenagers to your house?
  5. How often do you get a text and reply to it?
  6. How often do you want to be alone?
  7. How much does your mother and/or father get mad at you?
  8. How often do you say 2+2=22?
  9. Do you want to switch genders?
  10. How often do you say 9+10=21?

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Quiz topic: What feeling am I?