What fantasy creature are you?

This is a quiz testing your brain to decide of you are intelegent enough to be either a Demon, Dragon, Angel, or Unicorn. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY THIS INSANE QUIZ!!!

When you get your score you might be dicepointed. Please give me good ratings and love your resolt. I made it as acruate as possible... ENJOY PLEASE, I HOPE YOU DO.

Created by: Onyxwhatif
  1. What would you do if you were stuck in a huge line at Disneyland?
  2. What would you do if you were kicked out of party because to many people were there?
  3. What would you do if your best friend moved away from you?
  4. What does "Onyxwhatif" make you think of?
  5. What does sleeping make you think of?
  6. hi
  7. IDK
  8. HI
  9. WHY?
  11. We are done

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Quiz topic: What fantasy creature am I?
