What fantasy creature are you?

now this is just a test. you can decide otherwise if you wish. if something wasn't on there you wanted, i am so sorry. NOT!!!! jk no more characters to be filled!

ewtrueygreihjg08iryhewgi rewoai he yghoiew hg9-ewh oiheg iwhoe ghoiwh goirew gh9-wehg oiwhg 9irhuwhgorheg9erhgohspoguh0ewhyg9irsu g9iwhgforeiwhg9iehrg9rye DID IT MOM!!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!!

Created by: Wulfgar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. in one word, describe yourself
  2. how fast are you?
  3. what do you eat usually?
  4. what is your favorite animal?
  5. what is your favorite color
  6. what is eye color?
  7. what do you do on your spare time?
  8. what do you do as a hobby
  9. if i insulted you what would you do?
  10. how aggressive are you?
  11. if you chose, what would you be?

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Quiz topic: What fantasy creature am I?