What fanmade Wings of Fire dragonet are you?

Welcome to this quiz! You can find out which of these dragons I made up you are most like. There will be twelve questions and seven results. I hope you like the quiz!

The results of the quiz are Mudskipper, Coyote, Wildfire, Shore, Rainfall, Diamond, and Secrethunter. Note: if you have not read Wings of Fire before, don't worry there are no spoilers! Created by Ruby's dancing monkey.

Created by: Ruby'sdancingmonkey
  1. Favorite tribe:
  2. Favorite dragonet of destiny:
  3. Who is your mother?
  4. How many siblings do you have?
  5. Where do you live?
  6. Gender:
  7. Favorite food:
  8. Favorite thing to do:
  9. Favorite Wings of Fire book:
  10. Favorite Pantalan Tribe:
  11. Favorite Jade Winglet dragonet:
  12. What answer do you want?

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Quiz topic: What fanmade Wings of Fire dragonet am I?
