What Famous Ape Are You?

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Do you love Monkeys? Ever wondered which famous Great Ape was most like YOU? Now you can find out with this personality quiz! Go with your gut and choose the answer that speaks to your first.

Results are Apes that became famous for their historical achievements, storied careers, or nefarious reputations. No curious george or king kong- these are REAL MONKEY MATCHES! Please and do not take too seriously :)

Created by: iris
  1. Favorite Drink?
  2. What Language would you like to learn?
  3. Describe yourself
  4. Happy or Sad Endings?
  5. Do you have any bad habits?
  6. Whats in your headphones?
  7. Are you BAD???
  8. How's your love life?
  9. Celeb crush?
  10. Are you attractive?
  11. How would you like to be remembered
  12. Where are you travelling?
  13. Whats your philosophy?
  14. fav Kanye album?
  15. Dream job?
  16. do you like children?
  17. City girl or Country girl?
  18. What do you Need?
  19. Favorite class in school?

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Quiz topic: What Famous Ape am I?
