what fairy type are you

do you belive in faries? this quiz will help you find what type of fary you are! it might even help you become one... just answer the questions and you will find out what type u are!

are you a fairy? find out when you take this quiz! you will find out what type you are, and that types persana! and this is my first quiz :P

Created by: Robyn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what kind of weather do you like? :P
  2. what is your fave colour?
  3. when is ur fave time of day
  4. what is ur fave of these
  5. what is ur fave season
  6. what mont were you born? (tell the truth XD)
  7. what is ur fave animal?
  8. what do u like to do?
  9. what do u like 2 wear?
  10. okay, last question. how do u like to spend your weekend?

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Quiz topic: What fairy type am I