What faction of the dissident right are you?

This quiz will be breaking down the different factions of the dissident right and testing you to see which one you belong to. The dissident right are groups of individuals dissatisfied with the current right wing in the western world.

This quiz is not meant to be racist or antisemitic in anyway way though some of the groups referenced here may fit into those categories, I am not advocating for any of those views or groups.

Created by: Exposedaaahaha
  1. What is the most important political talking point in you’re opinion
  2. Opinion on the Jews?
  3. On Christianity
  4. Which political writer most influenced you
  5. Opinion on the Holocaust
  6. What should he done regarding racial issues in the west
  7. Opinions on the Russia Ukraine War
  8. Opinion on Race Realism
  9. Opinion on Liberalism
  10. Opinion on Optics
  11. Opinion on Women

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Quiz topic: What faction of the dissident right am I?

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