What faction are you from? Includes Corybantic, fan-made

This quiz is here to determine what faction from the book series "Divergent" you belong in. But, unlike those other ones, this one has an original faction by me, Ravyn, and it's name is Corybantic.

A while ago, I made this faction up in my head, and it's prototype name was Untamed, but I figured it sounded to Dauntless. Although, Corybantic and Dauntless have a lot in common. You'll probably find answers that would usually be Amity as Corybantic, too. All in all, I hop you love this quiz!

Created by: RavynDarkseer
  1. Hiya!
  2. So, if you didn't know, this is a Divergent-related quiz.
  3. Now, first question: Animals; which do you like best?
  4. What color is your hair, and is it natural?
  5. Which job type would you prefer?
  6. What would you fear the most?
  7. Have you ever done something bad?
  8. What do you find attractive?
  9. Choose one of these as the ideal personality.
  10. How do you feel about yourself?
  11. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What faction am I from? Includes Corybantic, fan-made
