What Faction are You? (Divergent)

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I love divergent it is a good book this is the aptitude test! Now i spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam maps spam spam spam spam spam spam spam!

Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam!

Created by: Jacob Sokol

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This is your aptitude test. You are injected with a serum. Are you ready!
  2. You are in a dark room. You hear your mom and dad arguing. Your mom accuses him of cheating, but he says otherwise. You know he did, but don't backstab your dad! You...
  3. You are sitting at lunch and see a kid steal your archenemies money. The kid walks to the lunch line. You...
  4. You see a kid on his calculator during a math test. You...
  5. You see a tray of badges. You pick...
  6. You must jump off the empire state building to make your faction. Otherwise, your factionless! You...
  7. Ok
  8. Wasting time
  9. do you like ducks
  10. Drumroll...

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Quiz topic: What Faction am I? (Divergent)