what faction are you?

there are five factions. abnegation, dauntless, erudite, candor, and amitee. or you could be divergent of factionless.

Created by: link
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you see a table. there is a knife and a piece of cheese. choose
  2. a dog comes into the room, it is about to attack
  3. A girl runs in the room trying to pet the dog, the dog is about to pounce on the girl, what do you do?
  4. asfuibgsdv
  5. you are expected to jump from a train to roof
  6. you are 70000 feet in the air
  7. you here someone in a dark hallway whispering about something...
  8. what do you think about bravery?
  9. what do you think about intelligence
  10. what do you think about peace

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Quiz topic: What faction am I?