What equine sport suits you?

There are many horse riders, but few competers. Equine sports are, after all, quite exceptional. What is a competer? A competer is someone who has an extraordinary bond with their horse,is very disciplined, and loves being in front of hundreds of eyes. Or maybe you are someone who loves hacking your horse out?

Are YOU a competer? Do you have the discipline to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: x-ella-x Howrse
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. If you could pick any horse breed in the world, what would it be?
  3. Imagine you're a horse- You have gone out on a ride with your owner in a deserted woods, during a canter, your owner falls off. What do you do?
  4. Your a horse again- You are in a dressage competition, but find it very hard to move the way your owner is telling you to. What do you do?
  5. Back to a human again! Imagine you signed your horse up for your first competition, but fell ill and couldn't make it. What do you do?
  6. Imagine you have to put your horse up for full-loan while you go on holiday for 3 weeks. 6 people turn up to loan your horse, below is what they tell you. Who do you choose?
  7. You come home from your holiday to find that the person who loaned your horse didn't groom him properly or feed him properly. Your horse is a state and in terrible health. What do you do?
  8. What is your favourite gait?
  9. Now you're a horse! What is your favourite environment?
  10. Back to humans! Imagine you are sitting watching your horse in a field, when you see your best friend's horse come up to him and begin kicking and biting your horse! What do you do?
  11. You're walking your horse out to the field, when a girl you have never seen approaches you with a horse you have never seen before. She tells you she is new and her horse has been thrown out the last 2 stables for being a bully to the other horses, then she asks if she can put her horse in the field with yours. What is your reply?

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Quiz topic: What equine sport suits me? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Horses Quiz category.