What eos flavor are you?

Are you the classic sweet mint, girly strawberry sorbet, bold summer fruit? Almost all eos flavors were on this quiz except watermelon and the new one that was light greenish blue with white stripes!

Enter the world of eos as you take this awesome quiz made by me (crowd applause) I think you'll be very happy with your result because there all so awesome!

Created by: Claire
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Favorite fruit (of these)
  3. What is your trate?
  4. Fav song?
  5. Who is your favorite frozen character?
  6. Like this quiz?
  7. What is your favorite 3d shape?
  8. Do you like me?
  9. Fav singer
  10. What book are you loving!
  11. Thanks for takinthe quiz!

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Quiz topic: What eos flavor am I?