What English Accent Do You Have?

So you are interested in finding out your English accent? Well good, you are in the right place. This quiz will determine it!

Are you ready? Just think about each question and choose the answer that fits you best. Now go!

Created by: meme

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Compare these answers.. ALL OF THEM. does fish sound like mish?
  2. Does don sound like dawn?
  3. Does marry sound like merry or marry?
  4. Does mix sound like max?
  5. Does 3 sound like tree? (not rhyme but sound)?
  6. What word sound more like R?
  7. Do you say tomatoe(1) or tamatoe(2)?
  8. What part of England do you live in?
  9. Does like sound like lick?
  10. Does oh sound like O?

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Quiz topic: What English Accent do I Have? You can find more quizzes like this one in our England Quiz category.