What elemental spirit are you?

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Everyone’s heard of the four spirits right? Not from Frozen II but just in general right? Well here you go, you get to take this quiz to figure out your elemental spirit.

Before you get caught off guard, no this is NOT abased off of Frozen II. I’ve thought about doing one of these quizzes since BEFORE arhat movie came out.

Created by: Silent_Hybrid
  1. Would you consider yourself smart?
  2. How often do you get angry?
  3. Which (of these) is your favorite color?
  4. You see an abandoned puppy on the side of the street! What do you do?
  5. Your enemy is getting bullied. What do you do?
  6. How big is your friend circle?
  7. Someone that you secretly hate actually likes you and asks you out in front of a group of people. What do you say?
  8. Okay so that’s it for this quiz!
  9. Would you rather be bald or covered head to toe with hair?
  10. Comment? Rate?

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Quiz topic: What elemental spirit am I?

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