What Element of Harmony are you?

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What element of harmony are you from My Little Pony? Do this quiz to see, are you a good friend, what personality is strongest in you? Let's find out!

The Mane Six have great personalities, but which one is more more like you?I'm assuming if you take this quiz you know what the elements of harmony are. But if you don't play to see what's your greatest trait!

Created by: Sundrop
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. What are you looking for in a friend?
  3. Favourite MLP character?
  4. Favourite food?
  5. Favourite MLP Princess?
  6. Your sibling is running late for school, what do you do?
  7. Favourite letter?
  8. Favourite flower?
  9. Favourite emoji?
  10. Fate?

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Quiz topic: What Element of Harmony am I?
