What element do you possess?

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READ (IMPORTANT); welcome to my quiz called"What element do you possess?" If you want to take a quiz on elements this quiz is an option. to get started lets see what your element is. lol i forgot you havent tooken the test.

So i will guide you to your element. I will ask you questions and give you options. Move on after im done stating a question. Tell me your element after!

Created by: Auron Chung

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  2. What will you do if someone was bullying you?
  3. What do you do when a project has to be finished?
  4. What would you do if you were grounded?
  5. What happens if one of your family members die?
  6. Whats another thing you would do during your time?
  7. How do you react when a terrorist attacks you?
  8. What is your favorite sentence?
  9. Which side do you pick?
  10. Whats your favorite element?

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Quiz topic: What element do I possess?