What element are you quiz (thanks for playing)

Hi thank you for clicking. I know I left out some elements like Ice, lightning, etc but idc sooo uh. Fun fact these are not actual elements you probably knew that lol.

I really do hope you enjoy this quiz. I worked very hard to make it as accurate as possible so I appreciate you clicking on it and uhhhmmmmmmmmmm bye!

Created by: Citrus
  1. Whats your fav color I know it might sound weird to ask but this can tell a lot about your personality
  2. What’s ur fav animal group
  3. Are you an extrovert, introvert, or an ampivert
  4. What’s your fav place
  5. What’s the best trait in a person in your opinion
  6. What’s the worst trait in a person in your opinion
  7. Do your emotions control you more than you control them
  8. What’s your fav hobby
  9. How do you greet your bff
  10. Do you think this quiz will be accurate (question doesn’t count)

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Quiz topic: What element am I quiz (thanks for playing)

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